Monday, 27 July 2015

The Creative Writing Do's And Don'ts To Know

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

For those who are strong writers and possess vivid imaginations, it's easy to imagine that creative writing can be a potential endeavor for you to take part in. To say that many works can be created would be an understatement, as everything from poetry to fiction is covered under this particular umbrella. With this in mind, though, I think that it would be wise to go over some of the do's and don'ts to help make you a better artist in this field. The more you know about them, the better off you'll be.

Do have an idea in mind. Prior to putting your words down, it's of the utmost importance that you have ideas set in place. Now, you may have something as simple as a love story, which is a start. Yes, it may not be the most detailed idea in the world, but the fact that you have something resembling an idea matters. It's just a case of piling more complexity on top of it that will help you better understand what you are trying to accomplish.

Don't lift work from other writers. It goes without saying, but no creative writer is going to get far by plagiarizing the work of others. Not only is this immoral, but it's easy to imagine that it can have you blacklisted. Yes, you may find inspiration from the work of various authors and content creators, which is understandable. However, when you start to directly lift those works, it is easy to imagine that problems will start to rise to the surface.

Do know the importance of goals. When it comes to the goals that are often associated with creative writing, all you have to do is look at the content. There should be some kind of endgame, regardless of how simple or complex it may be. For instance, you may want to put together a poem that talks about loss. You want the reader to feel empathy, at the very least. If this is accomplished, it's easy to see that the aforementioned goal has been reached.

Don't write without consistency in place. If you're going to be a creative writer, more than anything else, you should know to be consistent. This is especially true when it comes to writing style, which can be done in a number of ways. A first-person point of view should be maintained during the course of a narrative, from the opening sentence to the final word. When this aspect is exercised, greater quality will most certainly be had.

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