Monday, 27 July 2015

How To Supply Drinks For A Party?

By Chris Carr

The whole reason MixYour came into being, is to give people a place to find fantastic cocktail recipes, advice and tips on their favourite beers and spirits. We set out to give people an online portal to help them when it came to the what, when why and how of drinks. So a question we go asked recently by friends wanting to throw a party, was should they supply drinks for a party ? we wanted to take a look at that question:

Our immediate question back to the friends, was well what type of party, was it an engagement, weddings, birthday, general friends get together ?

There is a certain social expectation that some parties will be catered for.

Engagement parties and wedding reception are two that come to mind. Usually these events take place in a licensed venue. Most time beer and wine as well as soft drink are supplied, with a limit set at the bar, which controls the costs of the function. There will be a few guests who choose to drink spirits and if that isn't supplied then they may wish to purchase it themselves.

A aged milestone birthday is generally catered for again with beer and spirits. Similarly an 18th or 21st birthday may also have some alcohol supplied by a set tab at the bar.

If at a private venue then the amount of liquor supplied is well controlled. Young guests often favour a variety of mixed drinks, which are more easily kept in check at a private function.

A friend and party rager - will almost always have an expectation of BYO.

Our suggestions

Your responsibilities at any party or dinner are to ensure that your guests are responsible with their drinking. Consider what their level of capabilities is and if any guest shows signs of perhaps being to inebriated, then perhaps then it may be time to offer a coffee as an alternative drink.

Offering a coffee as the evening draws to a close may be an excellent way to finish the evening on a happy note. There is nothing more enjoyable than relaxing with a few drinks and some good friends.

About the Author:


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