Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The Talented Miss Shria Paraashar

By Eloise Hewitt

Ever since the internet has become a place where people gather and communicate, many people have been utilizing it in order to spread their ideologies and to share their talents. One of the rising talents is none other than miss Shria Paraashar who has gained popularity through her videos in Youtube. Ever since she posted her first video on the site, her popularity kept on rising.

Now when miss Paraashar was growing up, music has always been one of her passions as she began singing and playing the piano at a young age. When she grew up, she decided to share her talents using the free services of the website known as Youtube. Her user name in the website is ninya999 and her first video was a piano cover of the piece by Paul de Senneville known as Love Marriage.

From there, she uploaded more and more videos that continued to get a lot of views from the Youtubers that are from different countries in the world. One of the videos that was uploaded some time after her first one was able to get around ten thousand views from the viewers. This was a piano cover with vocals of a song called Ek Tu Hi Bharosa.

Of course there were also other videos that she posted which got her a lot of views from users who are in the website. Because of her talent when it comes to both singing and playing the piano, her fan base grew and many requested her to make more videos of herself showcasing her talents. One of her most recent videos would be of her singing a cover of the song Bel Salama.

Now one of her most well known accomplishments was her tie up with a music creating group known as Rouhi Music. This is an internet based group that composes original songs and shows them on Youtube. They would compose songs that would showcase how proud they are of their language and of their race in general.

One of their most popular original compositions was none other than a song known as Mother of Creation or Jai Ma. Now in this song, Miss Shria is seen walking around a forest and going through the open paths along with the trees. After that, there are flashes wherein she would be playing her piano and singing at the same time while still in the forest.

Now this video became a very huge hit among Hindi viewers because this was something that they could actually relate to. The song is actually a reference to the goddess Mahadevi who would save people from demonic forces. Jai Ma is known to be a victory cry that people would shout whenever evil forces are defeated.

It was because of her appearance in this video that miss Paraashar became more and more recognized. Her voice and her musical talents really caught a lot of attention and still continues to as more and more people watch the videos that she is in. Eventually many people will regard her as a Youtube sensation when her popularity grows.

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