Saturday 9 March 2019

The Advantages Of Acrylic And The Development Of Renaissance Acrylic Paintings

By Scott Ward

Art has long been a staple in the human enterprise. Indeed, it is something that gets upped and innovated each and every time. However, even with the invention of new ways of doing things and some such developments and innovations, there is no bringing back the Golden Age of centuries past. That is already an erstwhile concern, however, with renaissance acrylic paintings.

For classic paint materials and techniques, you get familiar ones like oil, fresco, and tempera. Acrylic, however, is more or less a recent innovation. It was invented in the middle of the twentieth century and perfected only recently. Scratch that, its actually still on an upward surge to further perfection.

Acrylic has a whole host of distinctive attributes and characteristics. On top of everything else, its versatile, durable, and also dries immediately. Its expressed vibrancy also draws on the stares of universal admirers. It colors are bright and the lines and brushstrokes are sharp and definitive. The paint is also very much versatile since it can be applied to various surfaces and media. In sum, its something that proffers a whole gamut of creative potential to the creative and innovative artist.

Nowadays, however, quite a lot of things have changed. Acrylic is a plastic based paint. And, of course, its worth noting that plastic itself is constantly and continually being updated, innovated, and refined. Due to the advancements in that field, acrylics are now the best versions of themselves. They are greatly aesthetic with their clear, saturated, and bright hues, not to mention their versatile application, which enables the artist to experiment with various media and genres.

Its popular use nowadays is at odds with what is considered the golden age of the culture and the arts, the Renaissance. In this time period, acrylics were not invented yet. Rather, artists made use of paints and techniques like fresco, tempera, and oil. Frescos, first off, are done by applying mixed water and pigment to wet plaster. This is an extremely durable form of painting since the pigments are durably absorbed into the wall, making them become one. However, it dries almost immediately. Therefore, the artist has to be a fast and decisive one.

There are also art forms and movements where the use of acrylic is imperative and near irreplaceable. For instance, you have certain surrealist techniques. They are also greatly applicable in pop art and pop culture expressions. They are indispensable in the post expressionist movement and other forms such as photorealism and some such. The many standard and contrived features of acrylics make it a favorite among artists of all kinds of genre.

That said, although acrylics are very much beginner friendly, quite a lot of skillful understanding is needed in certain aspects, like handling mediums, additives, and doing certain techniques. You will have to have a thorough understanding of luster, viscosity, texture, coverage, and the time dependent behaviors of paint.

Acrylic is basically fast drying, without surfactants, dispersants, stabilizers, and plasticizers in the picture. If you have not added retarders, you will have to layer quickly. They may be water soluble, but when dry, they can be water resistant. Depending on its dilution with whatever medium, it can turn out akin to watercolor, oil painting, or whatever media. After all, as said, it is extremely versatile, and if the artist does not know what he is doing, then there is also no way of knowing how things turn out.

Paintings are great testaments to history. Great ones serve as heirlooms, which are passed generation to generation. They document great many things, from histories to ways of life. With its long and considerable history, nearly everything has been said and done. With newer technologies and innovations, however, we are constantly finding ways to bring back old tropes with newfangled ways and means.

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