Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Tips For Creating A Great First Impression From A Los Angeles Business Portrait Photographer

By Gary Morgan

You need to take your corporate image seriously. Most potential clients will go to your company's website and check out the management page. This is where they will find your picture and read about your experience and background. You want that to be as professional as possible. A Los Angeles business portrait photographer has some good tips for creating a great first impression.

You should consider your attire carefully when you are posing for photographs. The type of business you're in will determine your dress choices to a certain extent. There are some clothing choices you don't want to make no matter which business you're in though.

You want to avoid patterns and stripes. They might look great in a mirror, but in a photo they will create a moire effect when reduced to fit onto a web page or in a company brochure. Sometimes the plainer you look in the mirror, the better you'll look in the photo.

Something else you need to consider is how the picture is going to be used. A lot of times company photos are turned into black and white or reduced to thumbnails. When that happens subtle variations in the colors in the clothing you are wearing will vanish. A pale pink tie might look great against a pure white shirt, but in black and white the two colors will just melt into one another.

If you're in some kind of creative field, where casual clothing is appropriate, be careful about wearing a tee shirt with a logo or image of any kind. If the company photo is a head and upper chest shot, the logo will be probably be cut off anyway. Wildly patterned ties or shirts may not translate well when the picture is reduced.

When you are having a professional photograph taken, the photographer is probably going to have you sitting under high intensity lighting. If you sweat easily, you don't want your face, especially your brow and upper lip, to come out shiny. Applying some foundation is a good idea for the women in the group. If you don't feel comfortable with that, run a damp cloth over your face right before you get in front of the camera.

It always surprises photographers to see clients come to their studios for formal portraits with their hair a complete mess. This happens more frequently with women because they usually have longer hair and more complicated hairdos. Having a brush, hairspray, and gel in your handbag is a good idea. They will come in handy if a gust of wind catches you on your way to the photo session. You want your hair to be as immaculate as your clothing.

People always want to know if they should be photographed in their glasses. Photographers say that if glasses are something clients are used to seeing you in, wear them. If not, there is no reason to put them on. If you do decide to wear them, be sure they are clean.

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