Monday 17 April 2017

How To Prepare Your Child For Talent Competitions In Pennsylvania

By Donald West

Auditions are the most important part of a talent competition. If you don't get past the audition stage you have no chance of winning the competition. Here are six key tips that will prepare you or your young one for talent competitions in Pennsylvania and help get past the auditions.

To begin with, be in physical shape. If you are a singer, for example, you should make sure that your voice is in good shape. Start practicing regularly weeks in advance if you are not already practicing regularly. Sing every day. Sing watching MTV and other music channels. Sing when on YouTube. On top of this, practice formally. It's always a good idea to have a vocal coach. They will also help you prepare.

Choose a song or gift that suits you. This is extremely important. You could be the most talented person alive, but if you pick the wrong song you won't even make it past the auditions. In order to do this, you need to understand yourself as a performer. Listen to what other people say about your vocal/performing style. Then pick something that the judges will like. Avoid the cliche talent competition songs. You know what they are. They indicate laziness on your part and by this stage the judges are bored and may eliminate you for not being original enough.

If your child has decided to perform in a gift competition, congratulations! Just the act of signing up shows he or she has the confidence to commit and subject him/. Herself out there to be judged by others. At times some children may be discouraged if they can't master a song or dance immediately. This is where a dance or music instructor at a local dance studio can help them practice and develop a more polished routine or on-key sound.

Have a good positive attitude. This goes a long way. A bad attitude is the enemy of many talented people. Look, it will ruin your career. The judges will have their radar tuned into your attitude. If you act snotty or think that you are above the other contestants it will not go down well. However, don't talk too much. Answer the questions that judges may have. Don't give them your life story. Remember, that for the judges auditions take a long time. The more to the point your audition is the better.

Style yourself according to your song choice and ensure to do warm up. Okay, make sure your image from hair to shoes matches your song choice. Simple, but many people don't do this and lose out. If you were going to run a marathon would you stretch before you started? Of course you would, so make sure you do the same before your audition. Not only will this help you sing better but it will also help you reduce the old nerve which is always a help.

Know how nerves affect your voice. What is your main tendency? Do you sing flat? Do you sing sharp? Do you have trouble with a particular vocal range when those nerves jingle? Nerves often highlight a "problem" area with your current vocal ability. Make sure you choose a range and key of song that hides this "problem." (Hey, you are not a professional singer just yet so it's okay to have a problem range. Just don't let the judges hear it.)

All in all, preparation is very important. Plan adequately and you have a great chance of getting past the audition phase for any talent show. Getting past auditions is a great achievement for any performer.

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