Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Safeguarding Oneself And Handmade Full Body Puppets For Sale

By Kenya Campos

Festivals and local retail shops often feature a variety of puppets for sale. There are also several venues and uses for handmade full body puppets for sale. Many festivals around the world also feature these colorful and lively costumes and objects in a variety of parades.

Most likely, individuals are going to find the best place to purchase these type of items is at a costume shop, festival, theatrical shop, or online. A number of artists and designers offer these beautiful puppets on a variety of craft and entertainment websites. Wherever found, it is no doubt these giant moving characters will bring a great deal of fun, laughter and joy to audiences around the world.

Often seen at circuses, festivals, schools and part of theater productions, many are related to well known characters, movies and television shows. While others are based on animals, and fairy tale creatures such as dragons and unicorns. Those whom create these designs often say the sky is the limit when it comes to creativity.

Lighter weight costumes host a number of benefits over ones made of heavier fabrics. The wind can often help when using winged characters, or those which have various items like colorful fans attached. This is because when used on a windy day, it leaves the individual or puppeteer free to move other parts of the costume or puppet.

The more colorful the life sized character costume or puppet, the better. Audiences are often left in shock and awe when seeing a colorful character in action. Whether walking on stilts, or wearing a costume moved by the individuals' own body parts, color and add-ons such as beads, gems and moving parts often excite the crowd whether at a festival, in a parade or as part of a theater production.

When it comes to creating various movements, it is often easiest when wearing a costume oriented one as it is easier to move various body parts. Though, a trained puppeteer can also create incredible movements when walking on stilts. Whichever way the character or design is put into motion, the key is to keep the actions simple yet entertaining.

It is also good to use light weight organic fabric because an individual can get extremely overheated while wearing any full body costume. The length need also be considered so as to not trip the individual or onlookers. Arm and waist measurements are also important to creating a comfortable and safe fit. Many individuals wearing those associated with well known characters also love to speak in a voice similar to the character for a more realistic effect.

When creating a character based on a television show or movie, permission from the studio carrying the show, or those who have carried the show in the past is often a requirement. Characters pulled from the public domain are generally okay to use because any and all contracts have expired or contracts the creators derived at the beginning of the character's premiere have expired. It is still good to double-check before moving forward so as to not find oneself in a lawsuit.

It is good to acquire liability insurance if not covered by an event promoter. If there were to be an injury while walking on stilts, or wearing a costume oriented puppet, the owner of the puppet or promoter may be held responsible. One reason most event promoters either provide or require liability insurance from those wishing to wear or work these giant puppets.

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