Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Musicals Phoenix Are Very Entertaining

By Sally Delacruz

People living in Arizona enjoy seeing a great play from time to time and they also like it when there are songs included within these events. This is one reason that many theatres will feature musicals Phoenix, Az during various times of the year. The Herberger Theater Center will sometimes showcase many great productions like"The Phantom of the Opera, " "Beauty and the Beast, " "Mama Mia, " "Grease, " "My Fair Lady, " "Hairspray" and "Cabaret."

Everyone around knows the story of Belle and her struggles to overcome the dangers in life. She is a head strong young woman who is the main character in "Beauty and the Beast." Unfortunately an evil male named Gaston is after her hand in marriage. Belle has very little luck with men since she eventually moves in with a man who is now a monster. This former handsome prince made the mistake of angering an enchantress who turned him into a beast.

This is one play that comes to life with a variety of tunes that will make anyone sing and dance. It had quite a successful run during its time in Arizona. Walt Disney had the good sense to produce an animated film about this play. "Be Our Guest, " is one of the songs within the cartoon movie.

"The Phantom of the Opera, " is one scary show that will make many people question their own sanity. A female is forced into the home of a man who is covering his face with a grotesque mask. The play has many tunes within it and once again Hollywood has also turned this production into a film.

"All I Ask of You" is one song in the show that audience members remember for the rest of their lives. Michael Crawford also did a recording of this song that is truly wonderful. During the course of time The Herberger Theater Center went on to produce "Mama Mia, " which ran on Broadway for quite a long time. This play was very popular in this part of Arizona since people enjoyed it so much.

"Mama Mia" tells the story of a young woman who is trying to find out the identity of her father. This upbeat play features the songs that were made famous by the group AABA back in the 70's. Throughout the entire production the cast is singing and dancing to these delightful tunes. Anyone who loves the song "Dancing Queen' will appreciate this show.

As soon as Hollywood realized that this play would be a success they made plans to turn it into a feature film. During the year 2008 the movie production made a huge sum of cash. Luckily people could sit and watch the movie in peace the first time around. Unfortunately they had to listen to the other audience members sing when the film was released a second time.

People could see the words of each song while they were being sang on-screen. Audience members with great voices could join in on every tune. "Hairspray" told the tale of a young fat girl who wanted to integrate society while changing her hair styles. "Cabaret" was a show about a woman living in Germany who performed at a very seedy nightclub.

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