Monday, 16 June 2014

Finding A Creative Writing Website

By Kenya Campos

When people are looking to become better writers, they will want to use a number of different sources. By spending some time on a good creative writing website, they should do well. Once they learn how to put nouns and verbs together with some flair, they will be producing stories that everyone wants to read. Family members will be pleased with the progress.

Poems require a certain type of skill. If men and women have not learned to write poems from a teacher, then they should give themselves some time to get up to speed. Poems do not necessarily have to rhyme. In fact, it is often better when they are written in free form. By getting a book on Robert Frost, poets can quickly get better.

If poetry is not someone's idea of a good time, they might try their hand at short stories instead. If they have always loved mystery and suspense, then they can begin reading some of the stories written by Edgar Allen Poe. Poe was a master of language and was the forerunner to many of the greatest authors of the modern age.

Learning how to put different parts of speech will be important. While nouns and verbs have very different functions, putting them together correctly will lead to good prose. If possible, men and women should try to craft sentences of different length. This will prevent the prose from getting stale and will generally help to great stories. Good websites will provide sample sentences that young authors can learn from.

Before people begin to try writing on their own, they will of course want to procure some furniture that will allow them be comfortable. A good desk can be placed in the home office and used from time to time. When people have the proper posture while they are writing, they will be much less likely experience bad backs and other maladies.

A reliable light will also be needed. A ordinary lamp will work fine, but writers should make sure that the bulb is hidden behind a shade. Too much glare can lead to eye strain, which can in turn lead to glasses or contacts later on in life. It is always a better idea to have enough light whenever someone is reading or writing.

Men and women should also not be embarrassed to show their new creations to friends. In fact, this is the only real way to get better. By taking criticism in stride, people can hone their craft. They might even eventually feel confidence enough to send their short stories off to a magazine for possible inclusion in the next issue.

In the end, individuals should look for a website that speaks to them. By reading through stories and poems by Poe, Frost, Faulkner, and others, people will glean some excellent information. They will also learn about the rich history of American and world literature over the past few hundred years. With luck, they can begin producing some works of their own in the coming weeks and months.

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Mình là Dũng. Hiện đang là quản trị viên của website Mình sẽ chia sẻ với các bạn những tài liệu là các Luận văn, Đồ án, Tiểu luận, Giáo án, Sách ... Giúp các bạn tham khảo và sử dụng trong học tập và công tác. Các bạn có thể liên hệ với mình qua yahoo: iDocsvn hoặc mail: !

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