Thursday, 8 May 2014

Next-Gen Game Design & Its Ties Into Art

By Rob Sutter

There is a tremendous amount of attention given to the "next generation" of gaming and it's not hard to see why. While there's a lot of excitement surrounding platforms like the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, it's clear that there is a concern within the video game industry involving cost. After all, the price that consumers pay in retail is just one of many layers to take into consideration. After reading an interview with Capcom, I had to ask, "Game design shouldn't be this expensive to go about, right?"

On its website, Capcom posted an interview with Senior Manager of Technology Management, Masaru Ijuin regarding the matter of development costs. He said that compared to the effort needed for video game consoles of the past generation, the current fleet of systems required, "eight to ten times" more work. It's clear that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One alike possess greater power than their predecessors, though it isn't as if every last drop has to be utilized.-

Video games that are seen in the mainstream are doing as much as possible to push realistic graphics to the utmost degree. While these visuals can be very stunning, I'd like to think that there are certain titles which make the effort to stand out. Those who have been in schools that specialize in art can attest to the fact that there are many different styles to take into consideration. In my view, the styles in question help to make video games that much more interesting as a creative platform.

For example, most of Nintendo's standout titles are not exactly ones that can be considered "realistic." Even still, they are able to stand out, which is the most important aspect of any game; if it doesn't look as though it can hold your attention, it will not attain success. For example, "Super Mario 3D World" was impressive, to me, because of how warmer it appeared and the lighthearted atmosphere it possessed. When it comes to realism versus a lack of realism in gaming, it's a matter of apples versus oranges; it all comes down to opinion.

"The Last of Us," in my opinion, is the swan song of the PlayStation 3 and it's hard to argue with such a point. From its darker storyline to the grungier appearance that it possesses, it's clear that this game is a standout and for all of the right reasons. However, whether or not this style is best is subjective; some people simply do not want games to come across as moody. If you ask me, there is truth to this, "next-gen" simply has to entail polished visuals, regardless of specific styles.

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